Were you ever spanked till you could not sit down, or had to sit on soft pillows? - soft spanking free
I just saw a TV show, where his father threatened his daughters if they do not behave, not in a position to sit for a week. A young girl tells the other, not sit on a pillow. Me, as they grow but never, until I could not sit. Had anyone? Do you think this is abuse of children?
It was an old Western on AMC
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Soft Spanking Free Were You Ever Spanked Till You Could Not Sit Down, Or Had To Sit On Soft Pillows?
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If you leave traces that are still there, then yes, I believe that child abuse.
I learned when I was young, my father always said I would, but I do not remember a time when it was so bad. I misbehave, but not too often.
I really do not think that this child abuse. I mean, it might sting a bit, but you will be able to sit down soon. I'm not sure. depending on the age of the child and if you have a brand.
This is a figure of speech. I have long, hard blows, he spend a day or two, but since he could not sit.
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