Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Partial Disability Benefits Can A Office Deny SDI (short Term Disability )benefits To Its Employees?

Can a office deny SDI (short term disability )benefits to its employees? - partial disability benefits

A friend is pregnant and said her manager, she receives no benefits to society SDI. The reward shows that each check to pay a certain amount in SDI / SUI too. Thus, if the state provides full or partial salary when disability is? If the company is also responsible for them?


parsonse... said...

Hope this helps

dagconst... said...

Call the Bureau of Conciliation and / or Attorney General's Office, and the report of the owner

HRGal said...

Depends on the condition it is and its rules on qualification for the state disability. Offered in the case of sexually transmitted diseases (short-term disability) as a benefit by the company, so there is something more. She only had to pay for it if they had the right to use it if something goes wrong. Tell him that your HR department to speak first, and if you get the answers you need to go to the Department of Labor in your state.

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